Faq 2018-07-27T14:35:08+00:00

Frequently Asked


In any surgical operation, aesthetic or not, there are scars and it is the plastic surgeon’s skill to determine the best position, to obscure their appearance, if possible, in areas where they are not obvious, using proper techniques and stitches to make them less visible.

After the stitches are removed the scars should be treated with ointments and silicone sheets and later on a laser treatment may be performed to perfect the result.

For most surgical operations and also for post operation scars the final outcome can be seen several months after surgery (up to one year), when the swelling or edema has fully subsided (rhinoplasty, liposuction), the tissues have returned to their natural condition and the scars have softened and whitened.

The result is permanent in cases of surgical operations like rhinoplasty and otoplasty. For other operations, it depends on the variation of the body weight, the quality of the skin or the pregnancies (like operations on the breasts, belly, buttcocks, thighs). The liposuction results are permanent however, in cases where there is a huge increase in body weight the fat is evenly distributed. For facelifts and blepharoplasty  the results last between 5-10 years, depending on the age and the skin condition. The younger the person the longer the results last.

They are safe and have been tested for years. The tendency in selecting the injectable materials – botulinum toxin (botox – dysport), hyaluronic acid, polygalactic acid, etc – is to use materials which are fully absorbable by the body, which are safer as time passes and decrease the risk of complications.