We live in the age of the image ... Science and recent technological advances allow the surgical and non surgical intervention, with safely and ease, to correct physical defects or to delay the effecs of ever passing time.
Good communication and close cooperation between the doctor and the patient, is utmost importance in order to understand and identify the aspects of your appearance that you want to change as well as to decide on the best possible approach and adequately analyze the condition. I always choose to combine the most advanced techniques and up to date scientific knowledge together with the current personal and social requirements in dealing with the health problems of the human body and its harmonius and aesthetic improvement. i respect and serve the patient's right to health, mental wellbering and beauty.
The improvement of our image is
a major factor for inner peace and balance!

Dr. Stavropoulou Vaso
Curriculum Vitae
A graduate of the Medical School of the University of Athens, under a scholarship from the State Scholarships Institution. Graduation grade “Very Good” on 1981.
Specialized in Plastic Surgery – 1990
Postgraduate training in the Plastic Surgery clinics of the Charring Cross Hospital and the Middlesex Hospital in London – 1996.
Postgraduate training in the use of Laser in Medicine.
PhD from University of Athens – 1990.
Working privately and gaining hospital experience since 1990 in the Plastic Surgery Clinic of the public oncological hospital “G. Gennimatas” and since October 2011 as a director in the Plastic Surgery Clinic of the General Oncological Hospital of Kifissia “Agioi Anargyroi”.
Associate with Metropolitan, Rea and Mother’s private nursing homes.
Winner of the 1st prize for a research work during the 1st Panhellenic Congress on Plastic Surgery.
Publications in Greek and foreign scientific magazines, participation in writing scientific textbooks, participation in panels and part of the organizing committee scientific committees of congresses. Attendance to scientific congresses in Greece and abroad, keeping abreast of scientific developments.
Member of the Hellenic Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – ESPRAS and of the International Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – IPRAS. Also member of the Hellenic Society for the Study of Melanoma and the Hellenic Academy of Antiaging.
Our appearance plays an important role in our personal and professional success and with longer life expectancies, the rejuvenation of an aging face or improving a persons appearance can contribute to a higher self-esteem, acceptance and to one's effectiveness which are central to our lives.

Today's rapid progress in latest technology has created a plethora of applications in the medical field, in cosmetology and for antiaging. No pain, no downtime (fast recovery, without a need to confine your activities by staying at home) immediate and effective visible results and non surgical treatment are some of the benefits of laser technology.
Cancer does not kill. It is a severe disease but can be confronted and healed, when it is diagnosed in time. Cancer can kill those who avoid or postpone visiting a doctor, due to the fear of cancer, thus endangering their integrity, the quality of their life or even their life itself